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FAQ/ The crossing line extends outward from the right and left bank piles

When we imported the river channel traverse data into the project, the transverse line extended outward from the right and left bank piles.

I expected the behavior as shown below. In the figure, point A is the right bank pile and B is the left bank pile.

  • The locations of these points were given by kui.csv.
  • The shape of the cross-sectional area C between points A and B was given by oudan.csv.
  • As a result, we expected the transverse line of cross section C to be a line segment connecting point A and point B.

However, the actual result is shown in the figure below.

  • Cross-section C extended from the right bank pile (point A) to point A' outside.
  • Similarly, it extended beyond the pile on the left bank (point B) to the outer point B'.

How do I get it to work as expected?


This behavior is normal.

In order to make the cross line a line segment connecting the right bank pile (point A) and the left bank pile (point B), delete the nodes to the left of the left bank shoulder (blue circle in the figure below) and the nodes to the right of the right bank shoulder (red circle in the figure below) in the cross-section.

In DioVISTA, the node of column A node name "1" (top of the left bank) of the section data oudan.csv is aligned with the pile position (latitude, longitude) of the left bank of kui.csv.

Similarly, align the node named "18" (the top of the right bank) with the pile position on the right bank.

In the cross-section of the oudan.csv you sent, there are nodes to the left of the left bank shoulder (blue circle in the figure above) and nodes to the right of the right shoulder (red circle in the figure above).

Therefore, the transverse line extends outward from the pile location by the length of these nodes.

Technical Reference/ River Models/ Importing Cross-Section Data

Last update: 2023-03-15