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FAQ/ Giving AMeDAS observations as rainfall data time series

We are going to give rainfall for 3 hours, from 1:00 to 4:00 at the time.

If AMeDAS observations are as follows, how should I enter rainfall data?

time Previous 1 hour precipitation (mm/h)
1:00 10
2:00 20
3:00 30
4:00 40
5:00 0


The rainfall of the Japan Meteorological Agency is calculated based on the concept of "pre-hour precipitation".

Japan Meteorological Agency Frequently Asked Questions

When does precipitation fall?
Precipitation represents the amount of rain that fell during a certain period of time (1 hour, 10 minutes, etc.) until the observation time. The AMeDAS page shows the precipitation in the previous one hour, and the value displayed as "precipitation at 12 o'clock" is the precipitation from 11:00 to 12:00.

To achieve this in DioVISTA, enter the previous hour precipitation observed at time 1:00 as rain that fell at 0:00 ~ 0:59, not rain that fell at 1:00 yen (1:00 ~ 1:59).

If the simulation time is Ts and the rainfall time is Tr, rainfall is given as follows.

0 \<= Ts \< 3600 when Tr = 3600
Tr = 7200 when 3600 \<= Ts \< 7200
Tr = 10800 when 7200 \<= Ts \< 10800

The rainfall settings below are the settings that realize the example you provided.

Hours(s) Rainfall (mm/h)
0 10
3599 10
3600 20
7199 20
7200 30
10799 30
10800 40
14399 40
14400 0

Last update: 2023-03-20