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Project/ Downstream Flood River/ Data

Figure: Downstreamed flood river data

Table: Context menu items and functions for downstream flood river data

Context menu items function
valid Enables or disables data for flowing flooded rivers.
Displaying Items Left Bank Line Set the items to be displayed on the map.
Right Bank Line
Kawashin Line
Transverse lines
Cross-sectional ID
Transverse line end mark
See all
Hide All
Cross-sectional view display Display the river cross-sectional view screen.
Left Bank Line Definition of the Left Bank Line Define a new Left Bank Line.
Continue to define the Left Bank Line Create a left bank line definition from the continuation.
Edit the Left Bank Line Edit the vertices of the left bank line you created.
Deleting the Left Bank Line Remove the left bank line.
Right Bank Line Definition of the Right Bank Line Define a new right bank line.
Continue to define the Right Bank Line Create a right bank line definition from the continuation.
Edit Right Bank Line Edit the vertices of the right bank line you created.
Deleting the Right Bank Line Remove the right bank line.
Kawashin Line Definition of the river line Define a new Kawashin line.
Continue to define the Kawashin Line Create a river line definition from the continuation.
Editing the Kawashin Line Edit the vertices of the created river line line.
Deleting the Kawashin Line Delete the river core line.
Transverse lines Add a cross line Create a new crosser.
Edit a section line Edit the vertices of the section line you created.
Edit a cross-section Display the cross-section view editing screen. Set the section information (section shape, edit right left and bank shoulder, edit roughness factor).
Interpolate transverse lines Creates an interpolated section for the entire river at specified distance intervals.
Interpolate transverse lines in a range Creates an interpolated section at specified distance intervals for the extent of the selected section.
Delete interpolated transverse lines Remove all interpolated transverse lines.
Edit profile drawings Display the profile editing screen. Check longitudinal information and set information for each cross-section (HQ formula, etc.).
Specifying a confluence Set the confluence of tributaries and main rivers.
Specifying a Diversion Set a diversion from the main river.
Delete this river Remove flowing flood rivers.


Select the menu to enable/disable it. If checked, it is enabled. When disabled, a × mark is displayed in the river data.

Figure: Enable/disable

Displaying Items

When you select a menu, the items appear. Select the items you want to display on the map and check them.

You can select Show all [See all] or Hide all to [Hide All] show or hide all items.

Figure: Displaying items

Cross-sectional view display

When you select the menu, the river cross-sectional view screen is displayed.

You can check the elevation of the cross-section and longitudinality, and check the simulated water level and flow rate.

In addition, cross-sectional and longitudinal information of simulation results can be exported.

Figure: Cross-sectional view

Table: Export Simulation Menu and Output for Section View View

Export Menu Output content
Output section data The displayed cross-sectional information "time (s)", "water level (m)", "water depth (m)", "flow rate (m^3/s)", "flow velocity (m/s)", and "overflow state" are output.
Output profile data Distance marker (m), water level (m), water depth (m), flow rate (m^3/s), flow velocity (m/s), and overflow state are output at the displayed time.
Output of cross-sectional data Cross-sectional information at all times, "distance marker (m)", "water level (m)", "water depth (m)", "flow rate (m^3/s)", "flow velocity (m/s)", and "overflow state" are output.
Output of profile data (maximum value) Maximum value information for each cross-section, "Maximum water level (m)", "Maximum water level generation time (S)", "Maximum flow rate (m^3/s)", and "Maximum flow generation time (s)" are output.

Left Bank Line/Right Bank Line/Kawashin Line

  1. Definition of Left Bank Line/Right Bank Line/Kawashin Line

    • When you select the menu, the map will be in the created state.


      作成中に1段階前の状態に戻すには、マウスを右クリックするか [BackSpace] キーを押します。作成をキャンセルする場合は、[Esc] キーを押します。

      図: 左岸線/右岸線/河心線を作成

    • Double-click or [Enter] press to confirm the creation.

  2. Continue to define the Left Bank Line/Right Bank Line/Kawashin Line

    When you select the menu, the map will be ready to be specified from the continuation of the last point at the time of creation.

    Click on the map to continue creating the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line.

    To revert to the previous state one level during creation, right-click the mouse or [BackSpace] press the key. To cancel the creation of the Left Bank line,[Esc] press the key.

    Figure: Continuation of the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line

  3. Edit Left Bank Line/Right Bank Line/Kawashin Line

    When you select a menu, the line enters edit mode.

    You can edit the vertices of the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line. To confirm your edits,[Enter] press the key.

    Figure: Editing the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line

    Editing operations explanation
    Move vertices Select a vertex and drag it.
    Add a vertex Click on the line to add a vertex.
    Delete a vertex [Ctrl] Hold down the key and click the vertex.
  4. Delete Left Bank Line/Right Bank Line/Kawashin Line

    When you select the menu, a confirmation message appears.

    [Yes] Click the button to delete the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line.

    Figure: Delete the Left Bank Line, Right Bank Line, and Kawashin Line

Transverse lines

  1. Add a cross line

    • When you select the menu, you can add a cross line on the map.


      作成中に1段階前の状態に戻すには、マウスを右クリックするか [BackSpace] キーを押します。横断線の作成をキャンセルする場合は、[Esc] キーを押します。

      図: 横断線の追加

  2. [Enter] When you confirm the creation by pressing the key, the section view editing screen appears.

    Figure: Cross-sectional view editing screen

  3. Set the section shape.

    Figure: Set a section shape

    Table: Operation details and descriptions of the section editing screen

    On the section edit screen, you can perform the following operations.

    Operation details explanation
    Edit section attributes [edit] When you select the button, the section attribute dialog is displayed. You can edit the section ID and cumulative distance.
    You can also[deletion] select the button to remove the selected crossing.
    Create and edit cross-sections Create and edit cross-section shapes.
    Creation of cross-sectional maps (acquisition of terrain data) Select the button to automatically create a cross-section from terrain data.
    Cross-section vertex editing Create and edit shapes in cross-sectional drawings with mouse operation.
    Import/export of cross-sections You can import and export cross-sections as external files.
    Create a simple section The river cross section between the left and right banks is a defined cross-section (simple river channel).
    Left bank end, right bank end setting Change the left bank end and right bank edge.
    Setting the Roughness Factor You can edit the roughness factor in the grid table.
    Specifying by import is the same operation as a cross-section.
    Superimposed display Displays the top and bottom sections.
    1. Creation of cross-sectional maps (acquisition of terrain data)

      [Terrain acquisition] icon to get terrain data and create a section.

      Figure: Creating a cross-section

      Figure: Where topographic data comes from

    2. Cross-section vertex editing

      1. [choice] to enter selection mode and edit vertices.

        図: 横断図の頂点編集

        表: 横断図の頂点編集の操作と説明


        操作 説明
        頂点の選択 選択する範囲をドラッグすると、頂点が選択されます。

        頂点を1点ずつ選択するには、[Ctrl] キーを押しながら頂点を1点ずつ選択します。

        選択を解除するには、[Ctrl] キーを押しながら選択している頂点を1点ずつ選択します。
        頂点の移動 頂点を選択し、ドラッグします。

        [Shift] キーを押しながらドラッグすると、水平/垂直移動します。
        オフセット移動 頂点を選択し、 [オフセット移動] を選択します。
        移動する値を入力して、[OK] ボタンを選択します。

        頂点の追加 線上をクリックすると、頂点が追加されます。
        頂点の削除 頂点を選択し、[Delete] キーを押下します。
        元に戻す 変更を1段階取り消します。 [元に戻す] アイコンを選択するか、[Ctrl + Z] キーを押下します。
        やり直し 元に戻す(UNDO)を1段階取り消します。 [やり直し] アイコン を選択するか、[Ctrl + Y] キーを押下します。
      2. [decision] to save your edits.

    3. Import/export of cross-sections

      1. [import] When you select a button,[open] a dialog appears.

        図: 横断図のインポート・エクスポート

      2. Select the CSV format file below, and[open] then select .

        • Column A: Control number (sequential number from 1)
        • Column B: Distance (m) (positive from left bank to right bank)
        • Column C: Elevation (m)
        • Column D: Roughness factor (does not reflect the roughness factor value in the last row)
        • Column E: Left and right bank flags (1: left bank shoulder, 2: right bank shoulder)

        Figure: Importable CSV format (example of display in Excel)

      3. For export, a CSV file in the above format will be output.

    4. Create a simple section

      1. [Simple river channel] icon.

        図: 簡易河道アイコンを選択

      2. Set the conditions for the simple river channel.


        図: 簡易河道の条件設定

        表: 簡易断面の作成の項目と説明

        項目 説明
        河床深さ 河床深さを指定します。
        法勾配 法勾配(左右岸と河床の勾配)を指定します。
      3. [decision] to save your edits.

    5. Left bank end, right bank end setting

      1. [choice] Select the icon to enter selection mode.

      2. Select the vertex that you want to be the left bank edge.


        図: 左岸端の頂点の選択

      3. [Left bank end] icon.


        図: 左岸端アイコンの選択、設定変更

      4. Similarly, select the vertex that you want to be the right bank edge, and [Right bank end] then select the icon.


        図: 右岸端の設定

      5. [decision] to save your edits.

  4. Edit a section line

    1. When you select a menu, you are in transverse line selection mode.

      Click to select the crossing line you want to edit.

      Figure: Selecting a transverse line.

    2. Drag the section end mark to change its position.

      To undo one change, [edit] select the > [Revert] menu or[Ctrl + Z] press the key.

      To undo one step of undo,[edit] select the > [redo] menu or[Ctrl + Y] press the key.

      Figure: Repositioning a transverse line.

    3. [Enter] Press the key to accept the changes.

  5. Edit a cross-section

    1. When you select a menu, a [Cross-sectional view editing] dialog appears. Select the section you want to edit.

      Figure: Selecting a section of a cross-section.

    For detailed steps on the section edit screen, refer to Adding a section line.

    1. If you want to cancel editing, select the [cancel] icon or [Esc] key.

      If you have made changes, a save confirmation message appears. If you do not want to save,[no] select .

      Figure: Saving changes

    2. If you want to finish with your edits, [decision] select the icon.

  6. Interpolate transverse lines

    When you select a menu,[Cross-section interpolation] a dialog appears.

    Enter the interval you want to interpolate and[OK] click the button.

    Figure: Interpolating a cross-section.

  7. Interpolate transverse lines in a range

    1. When you select the menu, the map is in transverse line selection mode.

      Click to select the upstream and downstream sections of the interval you want to interpolate.

      To deselect, click again to select it.

      [Enter] Confirm with the key.

      Figure: Interpolating cross-lines in a range

    2. [Cross-section interpolation] A dialog will appear.

      Enter the interval you want to interpolate and[OK] click the button.

      Figure: Filling in the Interpolate Cross-section dialog

  8. Delete interpolated transverse lines

    When you select the menu, a confirmation message appears. [Yes] Click the button to remove all interpolated sections.

    Figure: Delete interpolated transverse lines

Edit profile drawings

When you select a menu, a [Profile editing] dialog appears. Review and edit profile views.

Figure: Edit Profile Dialog

Table: Editing Profiles and descriptions

On the profile editing screen, you can perform the following operations.

Operation details explanation
Edit river channel elevation Move only the elevation within the river channel You'll only change the elevation inside the river channel.
Move the elevation of the entire river channel Change the elevation of the entire river channel.
Smoothing river channel elevation Smoothes the river channel elevation for a specified extent.
Setting HQ Expressions Set the water level calculated by the 1D irregular flow model to be corrected by the HQ equation.
Setting itemsYou
can set the coefficients a and b of the HQ formula, the lower flow rate applied to the Q formula, the upper flow rate applied to the Q formula, and the HQ formula in tabular format.
* If you check the Use tabular HQ expression check box, use tabular HQ data.
Setting the Overflow Coefficient This setting is set when the overflow coefficient (alpha) is considered for water overtopping from a river.
The setting items
overflow coefficient θ and 1 / planned slope can be set. When you enter a design slope, θ is set so that α=1.
Import/Export of Section Data Exports all items displayed in the profile screen in CSV format.
You can also edit the exported file and import it. Only editable items are reflected.

  1. Move only the elevation within the river channel

    1. to enter selection mode.

    2. [Navigating the river channel] icon.

      Figure: Select the Move River Path icon.

    3. Select a vertex and change the elevation.

      Figure: Select a vertex and change elevation

    4. [decision] to save your edits.

  2. Move the elevation of the entire river channel

    1. to enter selection mode.

    2. [Move Entire] icon.

      Figure: Moving the elevation of the entire river channel

    3. Select a vertex and change the elevation.

      Figure: Select a vertex and then change the elevation

    4. [decision] to save your edits.

  3. Smoothing river channel elevation

    1. to enter selection mode.

    2. Select the vertices of the extent where you want to smooth the elevation.

      Figure: Selecting vertices

    3. [Smoothing] Select Icon.

      The elevation of the selected range is smoothed.

      Figure: Select the smoothing icon.

    4. [decision] to save your edits.

  4. Use tabular HQ expressions

    1. Select the data for the section you want to edit and[Editing tabular HQ expressions] choose the button.

      The H-Q Formula Settings dialog appears.

    2. Set the correspondence between water level and flow rate in the H-Q setting dialog.

      As initial information, you can use the coefficients a and b of the profile view, the lower flow rate applied by the HQ formula, and the upper flow rate applied by the HQ formula.

      Figure: How to set a tabular HQ expression

    3. For profile editing,[Use tabular HQ expressions] select the check box.

      Figure: Check Using tabular HQ expressions for profile editing

Specifying a confluence

  1. When you select the menu, you are in map selection mode. Click to select the left or right bank line of the river you want to merge.

    Figure: Select the left or right bank line of the river to merge.

  2. Click the confluence to specify it, and[Enter] press the key to confirm.

    Figure: Specifying a confluence

Specifying a Diversion

  1. When you select the menu, you are in map selection mode. Click to select the left or right bank line of the branch you want to divert.

    Figure: Select the left or right bank line of the river to be diverted.

  2. Click the confluence to specify it, and[Enter] press the key to confirm.

    Figure: Specifying a confluence

Delete this river

When you select the menu, a confirmation message appears. [Yes] Click the button to delete the flowing flood river data.

Figure: Delete this river.

Last update: 2023-03-20