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DioVISTA Flood Online Help
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DioVISTA Flood Online Help
Getting started
Getting started
Sample projects
Upcoming Seminar
Past Seminars
Past Seminars
Edit Condition (Common operation)
Edit Condition (Common operation)
Condition setting Common operation/ Create new
Condition setting Common operation/ Delete
Condition setting Common operation / Enable/disable switching
Condition setting Common operation / Definition continuation
Condition setting Common operations/ Editing
Edit Condition (each operation)
Edit Condition (each operation)
Condition setting Individual operation / Water column collapse
Condition setting Individual operation/ flow rate
Condition setting Individual operation/ Water depth
Condition setting Individual operation / embankment
Condition setting Individual operation/ Tunnel
Condition setting Individual operation/ culvert
Condition setting Individual operation/ pump
Condition setting Individual operation/ Sewage
Condition setting Individual operation / embankment
Condition setting Individual operation / Gutter / Gutter
Condition setting Individual operation/ Downflow type flood / river
Condition setting Individual operation / River / Break location
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ Water level gauge
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ overflow embankment
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ Drainage station
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ End drainage station
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ lateral inflow
Condition setting Individual operation/ River/ tipping weir
Condition setting Individual operation/ Reservoir
Condition setting Individual operation / Disaster prevention dam
Condition setting Individual operation/ Storm surge
Condition setting Individual operation/ rainfall
Condition setting Individual operation / rainfall scenario
Condition setting Individual operation/ calculation area
Condition setting Individual operation / Detailed analysis area
Condition setting Individual operation/ Watershed/ Analysis range
Simulation/ Replay Results
Simulation/Results Output
Other/ Flood equation changes
Other/ Building Resistance Coefficient
User manual
User manual
Start & Exit
Start & Exit
Start DioVISTA
Terminate DioVISTA
Screen layout
Map operation
Toolbar/ Standard Features
Toolbar / Tool Functions
Toolbar/ Flood simulation function
Toolbar/ Flood simulation bar
Menu bar
Menu bar
Project menu
Project/ Water column collapse
Project/ Water column collapse/ Data
Project/ Flow Rate
Project/ Flow / Data
Project/ Water depth
Project/ Water depth/ Data
Project/ Embankment
Project/ Embankment/ Data
Project/ Breaking/ Data
Project/ Tunnel
Project/ Tunnel/ Data
Project/ Culvert
Project/ Culvert / Data
Project/ Pump
Project/ Pump/ Data
Project/ Sewage
Project/ Sewage / Data
Project/ Embankment
Project/ Embankment/ Data
Project/ Fushi / Gutter
Project/ Gutter / Gutter/ Data
Project/ Flowing flood river
Project/ Downstream Flood River/ Data
Project/ River
Project/ River/ Data
Project/ Drainage Area
Project/ Reservoir/ Data
Project/ Disaster Prevention Dam
Project/ Disaster Prevention Dam/ Data
Project/ Storm surge
Project/ Storm surge/ Data
Project/ Rainfall
Project/ Rainfall / Data
Project/ Rainfall Scenario
Project/ Rainfall Scenario/ Data
Project/Calculation Area
Project/ Calculation Area/ Data
Project/ Calculation Area/ Mesh Size Data
Project/ Calculation Area/ Topography, roughness, porosity, transmittance X, transmittance Y, land use
Project / Detailed Analysis Area
Project/ Detailed Analysis Area/ Data
Project/ Watershed/ Analysis Coverage
Project/ Watershed/ Analysis Range/ Data
Project/Simulation Results
Project/KML Objects
Projects/KML Objects/Data
Project/Shapefile Object
Project/Shapefile Object/Data
Project/LP Objects
Legend / Display
Legend / Additions and Edits
Batch Process
Other/ Operating Environment
Other/ Maintenance & Support
Other/ About the handling of maps
Other/ Export Notes
Other/ Trademarks
Other/ Copyright
FAQ/ The coordinate systems available in DioVISTA are
FAQ/ What is UTM Coordinate System?
FAQ/ What is a Standard Geographic Mesh?
FAQ/ Difference between water level and depth
FAQ/ Computational mesh size in latitude-longitude coordinate system
FAQ/ Can you predict flooding for the entire land area of the earth?
FAQ/ How to Set the Calculation Time Step
FAQ/ I want to specify the calculation time step width
FAQ/ How to determine the calculation area
FAQ/ Maximum size of the calculation area
FAQ/ Getting Started with PowerShell
FAQ/ Introduction to DioVISTA Batch Processing
FAQ/ PowerShell script to import embankment data into DioVISTA
FAQ/ PowerShell script to import culvert data into DioVISTA
FAQ/ I want to speed up flood analysis
FAQ/ PowerShell scripts for batch processing simulation calculations
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to open data file XXX"
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to open data file (terrain)"
Inundation model
Inundation model
FAQ/ Basic Equations for Flood Models
FAQ/ Calculation of the House Collapse Risk Zone
FAQ/ Setting Fill and Culvert for Flood Models
FAQ/ I don't want to flood a specific mesh
FAQ/ Manual Procedure for Calculating the Collapse Risk Zone
FAQ/ I don't want to flood outside a certain range
FAQ/ How to prevent floodplains from flooding before breaches to calculate the risk zone of house collapse
FAQ/ Is the shallow-water equation used?
FAQ/ Basis for calculating the risk zone for house collapse
FAQ/ Foundation Formula for House Collapse Zone
FAQ/ Setting a culvert wider than the mesh size
FAQ/ What does the fill coord value mean?
FAQ/ House collapse risk zone appears in the drainage zone of the drainage station
FAQ/ Position of Transmittance X and Transmittance Y Side
FAQ/ Setting of Building Occupancy Ratio in Accordance with the Flood Control Economics Survey Manual
FAQ/ Mass conservation is not satisfied when flooding calculations are performed in coastal areas
FAQ/ Should the Left Bank Line and Right Bank Line be Defined on the Embankment?
FAQ/ The surface of the floodplain is not smooth
FAQ/ I want to specify the effective minimum value of the inundation depth.
River model
River model
FAQ/ Editing river channel data (top view, cross-sectional view)
FAQ/ Import river channel data (floor plan, cross-sectional view)
FAQ/ I can't select a folder for regular river crossing data
FAQ/ Error Message oudan.csv file format is invalid
FAQ/ Error Message: No valid riverbed found
FAQ/ I want to import a shapefile of the left bank line / right bank line
FAQ/ Relationship between River Channel Data and Ground Height Mesh of Flood Model
FAQ/ Roughness coefficient that can be set for one river channel cross section
FAQ/ Give multiple HQ formulas to a river channel cross-section
FAQ/ Give a flow time series at the upstream end of a river
FAQ/ Give a water level time series at the downstream end of a river
FAQ/ Giving lateral inflow to rivers in chronological order
FAQ/ Giving Rivers Overflow Coefficients
FAQ/ Building a wall on a river (wall erection calculation)
FAQ/ Closing the downstream end of a river
FAQ/ Maximum number of rivers that can be modeled
FAQ/ Modeling of River Confluence and Diversion
FAQ/ Modeling of River Backwater Phenomena
FAQ/ Downstream water level does not meet specified
FAQ/ I want to return the downstream water level to an unset setting.
FAQ / It diverges when overflowing in a river given the HQ formula
FAQ / The water level is unnatural in the river given the HQ formula
FAQ / I want to know the river water level before applying the HQ formula
FAQ / Reasons for setting the HQ formula application lower flow limit and the HQ formula application upper flow rate
FAQ/ I want to fill up the tributary river
FAQ/ Flowing Flood Analysis
FAQ/ Water Level Calculation Logic for Flowing Flood
FAQ/ Isoflow Calculation
FAQ/ Calculation of Flooding by Tsunami River Run-up
FAQ/ How to calculate overflow width
FAQ/ Connecting an Overflow Levee to the Flood Model
FAQ / What is HQ Formula?
FAQ/ Even if a wall is erected in the river, I want to return it to the floodplain
FAQ/ I want to install sluice gates and pumps as river crossing structures.
FAQ/ I want to operate the drainage station at the end of a tributary based on the water level of the main river.
FAQ/ Downstream water level at the end of the drainage station with a time of 0 seconds
FAQ/ I want to operate the end-of-flow drainage station based on the tide level
FAQ/ Effect of setting the river center line
FAQ/ Cross-section of a river channel with a riverbed higher than the height of the left and right banks
FAQ/ When the river center line is set as the cell boundary, the inside of the river channel is flooded.
FAQ/ Location of the cross-section where lateral inflow is given
FAQ/ Modeling a closed channel in the middle of a river channel
FAQ/ Modeling of Honkawa and Hakawa Behavior
FAQ/ Calculation of river water level in the event of a jet flow
FAQ/ The crossing line extends outward from the right and left bank piles
Levee breach model
Levee breach model
FAQ/ Breakage Model Specifications
FAQ/ Backflow from the breach
FAQ/ Breaking Width of Levee Model
FAQ/ River width determines the breakage width of the levee model
FAQ/ Levee Height of Levee Model
FAQ/ Enabling or Invalidating Levees
FAQ/ Error countermeasures for levee flow rate calculated by levee failure model
FAQ/ Export Flow Rates Calculated by Levee Failure Model
FAQ/ How to calculate the water level at the breach
FAQ/ Appropriate location of riverside lines and breaches
FAQ/ Overtopping from other than the breach
FAQ/ Specification of backflow from the breach
Runoff model
Runoff model
FAQ/ Meaning of Distance Markers for 3-Layer Model Parameters
FAQ/ How to set the rainfall correction magnification
FAQ/ What is Watershed Analysis?
FAQ/ Topographic data used in spill models
Connection between river and inundation
Connection between river and inundation
FAQ/ Integrated calculation of river channel and floodplain
FAQ/ Is it possible to build a drainage station to drain floodwater into rivers?
FAQ/ Operation when the lower limit of the gutter flow rate is set
FAQ/ Behavior when the river channel water level is higher than the water level in the gutter gate
FAQ/ Meaning of Status Columns for Flow Data at Drainage Station
FAQ/ Overlapping drainage target areas of drainage stations
FAQ/ Disabling floodplain cells including river channels
FAQ/ Logic of connecting river channels and floodplains
FAQ/ Definition of ground height of gutter opening
FAQ/ Behavior of the gutter gate when the time to switch to wastewater only evaluation is set
FAQ/ Expressing Wastewater by Waterway at Drainage Station
FAQ/ Operation when a drainage station is installed in a cell in a river channel
FAQ/ Behavior when the cell where the drainage station is installed is not flooded
FAQ/ How to calculate the amount of wastewater discharged by drainage station
FAQ/ Setting of Drainage Target Area of Drainage Station
FAQ/ Can multiple drainage stations be set up in one drainage zone?
FAQ/ I can't edit the drainage area for some reason.
FAQ/ Flooding of drainage areas outside of work
Mesh and terrain data
Mesh and terrain data
FAQ/ Terrain Data Sources
FAQ/ How to Sample Topographic Data
FAQ/ Is the terrain data at the center or intersection of the grid?
FAQ/ Editing, Importing, and Exporting Topographic Data
FAQ/ Where mesh data is stored
FAQ/ I want to import DEM data loaned by the orderer
FAQ/Creating Terrain Data from LP Data
FAQ/ LP Data Visualization
FAQ/ Porosity and Transmittance Data Sources
FAQ/ Roughness Factor Data Source
FAQ/ Editing Roughness Factors
FAQ/ Editing porosity and transmittance
FAQ/ I want to import shapefile data into the calculation area
FAQ/ I want to import topography, roughness, and embankment data in NetCDF format
FAQ/ Conversion from ASC format to importable NetCDF format
FAQ/ Giving AMeDAS observations as rainfall data time series
FAQ/ Provide a bar chart of rainfall data time series
FAQ/ What is the River flagged cell for terrain data?
FAQ/ Sources of topographic data
FAQ/ How to set cross-sectional acquisition interval and target terrain data
FAQ/ Terrain elevation of embankments
FAQ / DioVISTA Usage Results
FAQ/ How to check the calculation result
FAQ/ Calculation of the number of damaged houses, affected population, and flooded area
FAQ/ Preparation of netCDF and CSV in accordance with the Guidelines for Digitization of Flood Area Map Data (3rd Edition)
FAQ/ Preparation of shapefile and DXF format compliant with Guidelines for Digitization of Flood Area Map Data (3rd Edition)
FAQ/ Creating Flood Simulation Videos
FAQ/ Creating KML for Flood Simulation Results
FAQ/ Rainfall display
FAQ/ Error message "The log file does not contain data to be output"
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to open log file"
FAQ/ I want to map the flood arrival time and inundation duration.
FAQ/ I want to map the spread of the flooded area all at once.
What does FAQ/KML display mean?
FAQ / I want to fill from ground to water with KML
FAQ/ I want to check the contents of the output NetCDF
FAQ/ Values of X and Y components of flow velocity
FAQ/ Preparation of deliverables in accordance with the Flood Area Mapping Manual (4th Edition)
FAQ/ Inundated areas may appear as enclaves
FAQ/ I want to analyze with a mesh size of 25m and output a flood depth with a mesh size of 5m.
FAQ/ The inundation depth of the mesh size of 5 m was output even though the analysis was performed with a mesh size of 25 m.
FAQ/ [Open] Depth of inundation calculated despite terrain
FAQ/ Mesh code becomes 15 digits
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to open data file (terrain)" was output.
FAQ/ Definition of Inundation Duration
FAQ/ Exporting Collapse Zones
FAQ/ When outputting the inundation depth to CSV, I want to output it with 3 decimal places.
FAQ/ When the inundation depth is output to the GIS, the inundation area may be displayed as an enclave.
FAQ/ When creating a maximum envelope diagram, I get the error message "Output range is too large"
FAQ/ I want to output the maximum inundation depth of the maximum envelope with a mesh size of 25 m.
FAQ/ I want to map the inundation depth in GIS
FAQ/ I want to output the inundation depth time series of an arbitrary point
FAQ/ Validation of DioVISTA
Import map data
Import map data
FAQ/ I want to use a specified image as the background diagram of DioVISTA
FAQ/ I want to use an online map as a background diagram for DioVISTA
FAQ/ I want to overlay map data on DioVISTA
FAQ/ I want to set the transparency of land use data
DioVISTA settings
DioVISTA settings
FAQ / How many people can I use with 1 license
FAQ / How many devices can I install with 1 license
FAQ/ What is the difference from DioVISTA Storm
FAQ/ The map display is strange
FAQ/ Build Number
FAQ/ Dataset file path
FAQ/ Responding to dataset loading errors
FAQ/ Flood simulation related menus are not displayed
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to connect to map server"
FAQ/ It takes some time for the map to appear
FAQ/ Error message "Unable to connect to map server"
Technical reference
Technical reference
Model control
Model control
Model Control / Design Philosophy
Model Control/ Time Control
Model Control/Spatial Coordinates
Inundation model
Inundation model
Flood Model/ Foundation Formula
Flood Model/Differential Methodology
Flood Model/CFL Conditions
Flood Model/ Roughness
Flood model/ Porosity
Flood model/ building resistance coefficient per length
Flood Model/ Estimation of Effective Rainfall
Flood Model/ Danger of evacuation after flooding
Flood model/ Risk of collapse of houses, etc.
Flood model/ Speeding up the drainage process
Flood model/ Censored flow velocity
Flood Model/Effective Minimum Depth of the Flood Equation
Flood model/ misalignment of the inundation depth displayed on the map
Interpolation for flood models/map display
Flood Model/Improvements from Ver. 2
Flood model/ backward compatible
River model
River model
River Model/ Basic Formula
River Model/Differential Methodology
River Model/CFL Conditions
River Model/Properties
River Model/Initialized with Unequal Flow
River model/Cross-sectional data creation and editing
River Model/Import Section Data
Correcting the water level with the river model / HQ formula
River Model/Overflow Coefficient Setting
River Model/ Export Water Level and Flow
River Model/Export Overflow
River model/ lateral inflow setting
River Model/Splitting Rate
Set up river model/river/floodplain connections
River Model/ Virtual Wall
River Model/ Close downstream end
Levee breach model
Levee breach model
Levee model/ Foundation formula
Levee Model/Properties
Levee model/ Breaking width
Levee model/ Broken levee height
Levee model/ Ground height in the levee
Levee model/Use floodplain ground clearance (reverse flow permit)
Levee Breaking Model/ Reverse Levee
Levee Failure Model/ Overflow coefficient setting function for breakage
Breakage model/ Breakage time series export function
Ditch and pipe model
Ditch and pipe model
Fushi gutter / gutter model/ Basic formula
Fushi-gutter model/ Differential method
Fushigutter / Gutter Model/ How to set parameters
Fushi / Gutter model / Operation screen
Runoff model
Runoff model
Spill Model/ Basic Formula
Runoff model/parameter setting method
Spillage Model/Implementation
Spill model/ inflow into roads and rail tracks
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions/ Flooding/ Water column collapse
Boundary conditions/ flooding/ flow
Boundary conditions/ Flooding/ Water depth
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Embankments
Boundary conditions/ Structures/ Embankments/ Breakages
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Tunnels
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Culverts
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Pumps
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Sewage
Boundary Conditions/ Structures/ Embankments
Boundary conditions/ Structures/ Gutters and gutters
Boundary conditions: Flowing flood rivers
Boundary conditions/ Drainage station
Boundary conditions/ End of flow drainage station
Boundary conditions/ Reservoir
Boundary conditions/ Disaster prevention dam
Boundary conditions/ Rainfall
Boundary Conditions/Rainfall Scenarios
Storm surge
I/O functions
I/O functions
Input/output function/ Display meshed boundary conditions on a map
Input/output function/ Export calculation result/ Text format
I/O function/ Export calculation results/ CSV, NetCDF
I/O function/ Maximum envelope export/ CSV, NetCDF
Input/output function/ Export calculation result / KML format
Input/output function/ Export function of calculation result/ ASC format
Input/output function/ Import/export of flood model data/ CSV format
Input/output function/ Import/export of flood model data/ASC format
Input/output function/ Terrain, roughness, embankment import function/ NetCDF format
Input/output functions/ Notes on revision of computerization guidelines
Batch Processing
Batch Processing
Batch Processing/ Overview
Batch processing/calculation execution
Batch processing / MLIT netCDF format conversion
Batch processing / MLIT conversion to CSV format
Batch processing / Conversion of envelope drawings to MLIT netCDF format
Batch processing/conversion of envelope drawings to MLIT CSV format
Batch processing/ Extraction of river water level and dam storage
Map data
Map data
Map Data/ Standard Map Datasets
Map Data/ Map Converter
Map Data / KML
Map data/ Terrain editing
User info
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Last update: 2023-03-17
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